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Healthy Food For the Brain

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Many ways to maintain brain health while enhancing its performance. Election of the right foods will improve your brain health and performance. Make a diet plan that included the following foods:

Wild Salmon
Meat of wild salmon (no dairy) are the best foods for your brain. Wild salmon contains essential fatty acids (in the form of Omega-3) compared to most other fish rich. Contains essential fatty acids DHA excellent brain health.

Whole-grain foods
These included cereal, Oatmeal, rice, millet (barley), and the bread and whole-wheat pasta.Whole-grain foods rich in folic acid, vitamin B12 and B6, which helps improve memory. In addition, the carb content of a source of energy for the brain works.

Milk and products made from milk (yogurt and cheese), rich in protein and vitamin B, content of which is important for the growth of brain tissue and neurotransmitter production. High calcium content can improve the performance of the nervous system.


Not only the high protein content, as well as vitamins and minerals, which makes eggs good for the brain. Eggs also contain choline, a nutrient that can encourage performance in the brain's memory center at the same time can increase the size of brain cells.

Fruit group give
Fruit that is included in this group are strawberries, blueberries, and blackberi. The stronger the color, the more nutrients they contain. Berries contain high antioxidants that can keep youth brain cells and prevent the disease attack the brain.

Ginkgo Biloba
This Chinese herb is an excellent supplement to the brain. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract standardized to strengthen brain function, improve memory and cognitive function. Some studies show that Ginkgo Biloba effective for treating Alzheimer's.

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